Mental Health

We have a range of specialised programs, treatment options and mental health professionals who can help


Acute Community Service

Our Acute Community Service is supported by qualified Mental Health Nurses to assist and support you to work towards your individual recovery goals.

For more information, visit

Acute Community Service

Addictive Disorders

Addiction and mental health concerns often go hand-in-hand. Our experienced team provides evidence-based treatment and programs to help you on the road to recovery.

Vist for more information

Addictive Disorders


We provide evidence-based treatment to help you manage your anxiety, and get well.

For more information visit


Bipolar Disorder

Access our in-hospital and day patient treatment for bipolar disorder.

For more information visit

Bipolar Disorder



Depression does not discriminate. With understanding and the right treatment, we can help you lead a happy, fulfilling life.

For more information visit



Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) is a non-invasive procedure that involves the focused application of magnetic energy to superficial regions of the brain, inducing small electrical currents. During an rTMS procedure, an electrical current passes through a small coil placed close to the scalp. This current induces a magnetic field. The magnetic field can pass into the brain without resistance. If the magnetic field is of sufficient strength, it will stimulate electrical activity in nerves below the coil, that is, in superficial regions of the brain.

Outpatient appointments are now available for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). Currumbin Clinic is proud to deliver this treatment for Depression in safe and non-invasive setting. Now available at two convenient locations; Currumbin Clinic and Bangalow.

For more information, visit

rTMS Clinic

Personality Disorders

For patients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, our programs help them to control and manage intense, unstable moods, self-harm and unstable relationships.

For more information, visit

Personality Disorders

Veterans and Emergency Services

We offer a trauma recovery treatment for current and retired service personnel, and first responders suffering with PTSD.

Visit for more information:

Veterans and Emergency Services

More information

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